Robert asks…
what happened to the Star Trek wiki – Memory Alpha – site?
I tried to log on to “Memory Alpha” – the Star Trek wiki site. I get a web page not there error. Has the web page shut down?
what happened to it?
I just tried it I am getting “400 bad request”
admin answers:
I was just there. It’s up and running.
Ruth asks…
Which Star trek episode has creatures which are hurt by warp drive?
I seem to recall a star trek (TNG?) episode where some creature or entity or maybe all of space was damaged when ships when above a certain warp. As a result, there is a treaty or something where all the ships have to stay below warp 8 or something. I looked on memory alpha (star trek wiki) but cant seem to remember enough details about it. Can you help me find the episode?
admin answers:
Episode Title: “Force of Nature”
Episode No.: 160 (Season 7, episode no. 09)
Original Airdate: November 15, 1993
Original Network: N/A (NOTE: The series was first-run syndication)
Synopsis: While investigating the disappearance of several ships, the Enterprise meets two scientists who believe that warp drive technology creates ruptures in the fabric of space.
Personal Commentary: This episode marked a monumental shift from Gene Roddenberry’s vision of technology enhancing the quality of life. Warp drive allowed humans to leave the confines of the solar system and to travel the galaxy at faster-than-light speeds, for the sake of exploration and discovery. But in doing so (and to Captain Picard’s dismay), they were aiding in the pollution and destruction of that which they loved – the eternal majesty and wonders of space.
Helen asks…
Does anyone know if Star trek online will be on the Xbox360?
I was looking in the Star Trek wiki but there no information on if they will be releasing it on the Xbox360 or not. I also trying to find out when they release date is so that I know when they are going to release it.
admin answers:
The publisher took Star Trek Online away from the developer and suspended production a few months ago. If it gets started again, they will likely have to start over from scratch.
Sharon asks…
Star Trek fans, has there ever been a novel that talks about the origins of the Borg?
If so, what is the title of it?
I’ve done research on both Wikipedia and Memory Alpha (a Star Trek Wiki), but they haven’t told me enough information.
To your knowledge, has there ever been a novel that contains their origin?
Wouldn’t it be cool if Paramount Pictures made a Star Trek TV series explaining it?
admin answers:
I am unable (at the moment) to answer your question properly! However, what a great idea for a movie!
I am confident that someone will answer this question correctly. I am going to check with Mr. Spock, in the mean-time!
The Ol’ Sasquatch Ü
Michael asks…
How did anyone like ‘Star Trek’?
Last night, i went to see the 1st time showing opening movie of ‘Star Trek“. I really liked the special effects, the music, & most importantly i like the way how J.J. Abrams inserted a new & good direction to the movie.
I ‘d say i’ll give it a solid A(++).
I also liked the 1960’s ‘Star Trek‘ main theme which played in the middle of the credits (the end of the movie) Which i thought it was pretty cool.
admin answers:
Have not seen it yet (I passed on the midnight showing), but it is getting strong reviews
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