Charles asks…
Where can i download the star trek communicator sound for my cell phone?
Specifically from the most recent movie. It’s the little chirping sound they make, I’m sure you know. But i can’t find a place that has the new one, not from TOS.
admin answers:
I have found one more site for latest movie reviews and comments.That site also contains the live movie feed and you could actually download it too.The site name is http://www,moviesjudge,com .Let me know too how it goes with you guys.
Joseph asks…
Can somebody tell me how to find and download the Star Trek communicator sound?
The phone is a Samsung X427 flip phone and I want the sound to download to the folder
admin answers:
More Star Trek sounds can be found at:
Laura asks…
where can I find a star trek communicator ringtone sound for my motorola rzr2 v9?
really want this sound as my main ringtone for my communicator-like rzr phone. prefferably ia free downnload??? anyone???
admin answers:
You should try here
Sandy asks…
star wars/star trek fans? which ornament should my friend get?
he asked me
” I just went yesterday to look at the latest batch of Hallmark ornaments, and they have two that I want. The first is $15 and comes with a miniature Death Star and Star Destroyer, very detailed and tiny like an inch long. The second is $18.50 and is an original Star Trek communicator that makes 16 sounds including the communicator sound and 15 phrases. If I get ONE, which one should it be?”
so, which one guys?
i must confess i dont know my star wars from my star trek i thought the death star was star wars but who the hell knows, so anyway, which one guys? ta
admin answers:
They both sound cool but id say the star trek one cuz it makes sounds
Chris asks…
Is the cell-phone a Star-Trek communicator?
Most of them pop open and make a sound. You could use the “Sprding” sound from S.T. as your ring tone.
I’m sorry if I’ve annoyed you.
admin answers:
They sure do look like them.
Just flip it open and say “Kirk here”
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