Ken asks…
Starcraft Cheats?
Anyone know all the starcraft cheats?
admin answers:
When playing, press Enter, type in the code, then press Enter again. Here are the codes:
black sheep wall – entire map revealed
breathe deep – gives you 500 vespene gas
Food for thought – ability to build units beyond
the support limit
game over man – instant loss
man over game – instant win
medieval man – gives free upgrades to units
modify the phase variance – gain ability to build any building,
regardless of requirements
speldin – a more powerful terran nation
asstroids – lots of money
Operation CWAL – speed up construction of buildings
and units
ophelia – Enter this to enable level skipping
cheat. Then enter the mission you want
to skip to (i.e. Terran10, Zerg5,
Protoss7, etc.) to go there
Power overwhelming – God Mode
Radio free zerg – Zerg song (must be playing Zerg)
Show me the money – gain 10,000 gas and 10,000 minerals.
Something for nothing – everything available is upgraded
staying alive – prevents the mission from ending
due to victory or defeat
the gathering – gain unlimited energy to all casting
there is no cow level – completes current mission
war ain’t what it used to be – no fog of war
whats mine is mine – gives you 500 minerals
terran – Terran mission select
zerg – Zerg mission select
protoss – Protoss mission select
Mark asks…
Do the cheats for Starcraft work on the online/multiplayer?
I’m gonna start playing Starcraft online (after practicing and cheating) and I want to know if the cheats work on the online and multiplayer parts.
admin answers:
No sir, they do not.
But you can type in a bunch of spaces and then Cheat Enabled so it looks like it’s in the center of the screen and everyone will get pissed haha.
Paul asks…
What website has cheats for Starcraft brood war?
Or can somebody give me “some” cheats.
The “some” means I already have some cheats like
operation cwal
black sheep wall
the gathering
show me the money
power overwhelming
breathe deep
modify the phase variance
medieval man
Thats all what I got
Those who answered this question, May God bless you
admin answers:
There is no cow level – Instantly beat current level
game over man – instantly lose the level (pointless cheat?)
whats mine is mine – low mineral cheat
something for nothing – free upgrades to all units
staying alive – disable level victory
food for thought – disable food/psi requirements (unit amount)
war aint what it used to be – disable persistant fog of war
radio free zerg – play secret zerg song (must play as zerg during campaign mode)
ophelia – enable level skipping
I gave you the cheats that you didn’t have. I cant believe you didnt have – there is no cow level-. That is one of the most important ones.
With this, you have ALL of the starcraft cheats. Happy starcrafting! =D
Nancy asks…
Are there any cheats for Starcraft FA 5?
Are there any cheats for Starcraft FA 5? I’ve been working on that game for the past few days and i’m stuck so if there is any or you know the way to unlock the secrets please reply.
admin answers:
FA 5?
What the hell is that?
But the cheats are here..
– Original
– Brood War
Cheats in General –
Steven asks…
How do you use cheats in starcraft two?
How do you use them, and what are they?
admin answers:
Note: Using cheats in the campaign makes it impossible to get achievements and you when you have beaten the game you will not get the Raynor portrait and your profile will say you haven’t beaten the game.
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