Joseph asks…
Star trek Voyager’s The doctor Vs. Star trek next generation’s Data who would win?
admin answers:
Data. No contest!
Carol asks…
What are your favorite Star Trek Voyager, and Next Generation characters and aliens?
My favorite aliens are definitely the Borg. My favorite characters in Voyager are Capt. Janeway, and Tuvok. As for Next Generation, Picard, Data, and Worf.
admin answers:
ST:V-Seven of Nine
and Q on both of them
Donald asks…
Did you like Star Trek Voyager?
I am dating a Star Trek Nerd, and I know nothing about the whole “star trek” world, but after a while of being subjected to this Voyager, I kinda like it. I like Tuvac (I yell ” Tuvac Shakur” and my girlfriend hates it, but it is till funny to me). Anyways, other star trek fans rip on me for liking voyager. Then I make the point that I am cool, I am good looking, a guy that likes sports, and happen to fall in love with a star trek nerd….and want to be with her on this one. These “treckies” then pick on me. Is voyager the best, is next gen the best? Help me be conversed with your kind. Is “data” cool? Do you like captain Picard or Janeway? All I know from watching Voyager is that Neelix (sp?) should die a horrible death, and that holographic doctor is kind of funny. You tell me.
admin answers:
Voyager is OK. It’s cute that you and your girlfriend bond over it. My husband and I bonded over Next Gen……..still is and always will be our sentimental favorite. Data is the most fascinating character of all Star Treks from the original to the sequels and spin-offs. I would follow Capt. Picard into battle anywhere……all he would have to say is “Make it So.” “Engage” ing question! :)
Michael asks…
Was there a Star Trek Voyager novel that details what happened after Voyager reached earth?
Was there a Star Trek Voyager novel that detailed what happened when Voyager reached earth? If so, what was the title?
Does it address these questions-
*Was the holographic Doctor recognized as sentient being, as was Data?
*How did the dept of temporal affairs handle the Doctor’s futuristsic mobile emitter, and the metaphasic shielding the future janeway fitted on Voyager?
*Were the Equinox crew pardoned, or court marshalled?
*Was Voyager retired, or put back into service
*We know Janeway was promoted to admiral-How about the ather officers- Did harry Kim remain a lowly ensign?
*Was 7 of 9 welcomed, or treated as an enemy by Earth authorities?
admin answers:
Yes there are! Christine Golden has published a couple of novels post “Endgame”. Homecoming and The Farther Shore in 2003 are direct sequels to the show’s final, “Endgame”. These were followed in 2004 by Spirit Walk: Old Wounds and Spirit Walk: Enemy of My Enemy.
As for your questions:
1. In the novels, the holographic Doctor was not yet recognized as a sentient being – can’t give too much detail here without spoiling the plot. Later, as seen in Endgame, he is a sentient being and married to a real human.
2. No problemo regarding the temporal affairs – very interesting and saved for historical reference.
3. Enquinox crew pardoned.
4. In the novels, Voyager was being retrofitted to its original configurations. Per Endgame, Voyager became a museum in the Presidio in San Francisco CA.
5. Harry was promoted ! To Lieutenant!
6. 7 of 9 was welcomed by her aunt. Her romance with Chakotay cooled off, too (b-a-r-f !)
Richard asks…
Star Trek Voyager novel that picks up where the series ends?
Is there a novel that details what happned to the USS Voyager and her crew after the Voyager returned to Earth?
I suspect given all the shoestring modifications Voyagers crew made to the ship due to the lack of any starbase maitenence crews, I’m sure she was laid up in drydock for ages….Did she see service again? Did the holographic Doctor get the same recognition of being sentient that Data recieved?
What happened to the surviving Equinox or Marquis crew members? Were they pardoned, or court marshalled? Did the Dept. of Temporal affairs confiscate the Doctor’s mobile emitter, or the metaphasic sheilding on Voyager?
admin answers:
Actually, Christine Golden, an author that has written many ST novels as well as for the various ST series, has published a couple of novels post “Endgame”.
A publishing “relaunch” – which features stories placed after the end of Star Trek: Voyager was planned by Paramount. The novels take place after the series’ conclusion. Several characters are reassigned while others are promoted but stay aboard Voyager; these changes include Janeway’s promotion to admiral and Chakotay becoming captain of Voyager. The series also introduces several new characters.
The series began with Homecoming and The Farther Shore in 2003 (by Christine Golden), a direct sequel to the show’s final, “Endgame”. These were followed in 2004 by Spirit Walk: Old Wounds and Spirit Walk: Enemy of My Enemy. Other novels — some set during the relaunch period, others during the show’s TV run — have been published.
It would be awesome if they could take the first two novels and produce a movie out of it…all us trekkie fans dearly miss the camaraderie of the Voyager characters and would love to see them again!
As for the fate of Voyager, she was made into a museum. The holographic Doctor did get recognition as a sentient being and even got married to a real person. Everyone was pardoned for crimes past and the doc’s mobile emitter became part of him.
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