This is for all you fan boys out there who for some odd reason hate JJ Trek. IMO it’s the greatist Star Trek movie ever made. But for those of you who didn’t, here’s an alternate ending that you will enjoy.
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Reader Interactions
@TheInspector3000 No, me neither. I’m just saying that’s probably what they were going for, and they did a better job of it than in Nemesis.
Star Trek XI made warp look like hyperspace from Star Wars or the slipstream drive that we see in Voyager. Warp is supposed to “warp” space-time by folding the space in front of you to make the distance shorter and stretching the space behind you. That is why in TNG and VOY, the ships get thinner and longer as they are going into warp.
@JackHemming I dunno, it would be kinda cool to see the Enterprise-E meet up with the Alterprise from XI.
Maybe we could even see what sort of changes Nero’s meddling would have on the Enterprises that come later…
@jimbopumbapigsticks buy you’re forgetting one thing. DS9 sucked ;)
That’s a good video! :) Tell the truth i join that people who sad: “the JJ version of StarTrek it’s not follow the original line”. The film is good – other american super production :) – but i can’t like yet as StarTrek! I shall stay the “original” line of StarTrek! Live long and prosper and congratulation of your video!
LOL pretty funny Yeah i really wish they didn’t just screw up the timeline just to replace the actors.
There are so many voyages that the first enterprise crew could’ve had after the thrid season of where they left off.
the only difference now is that the crewmen who died will never have children, and the kelvin would not be on a mission while it was being repaired. Another vessel would take it’s place.
@JackHemming Or you could think of them as tv shows (therefore not real anyway) that arent being made any more.
So it should be and never otherwise, jeah Piccard FTW !
@Bandofbrothersgirl Yeah, I just hope the next movie goes back to Star Trek’s optimistic, utopian roots.
action scenes are fun, but Star Trek was never *all* action…
@Bandofbrothersgirl Finally someone who loves the new movie. It was the best movie of ’09 next to District 9 and I couldn’t agree more with you! Already going apeshit for Star Trek 2.
@fROmTh3fUTURe lol I’m so glad someone agrees with me.. I was watching star trek stuff on here and everyone kept on ripping this movie and I really didn’t understand why.. I can’t wait till the 2nd one.. I didn’t get to see this one in theaters but I’m defiantly going to see the next on in theaters :)
@Bandofbrothersgirl to both the new fans and fan boys I think everyone has to agree that the original is the best. The original constitiuation class starship has something about her a spirt. The new ships D & E & J are just shit.
@spectre0075 what about Voyage of the damned sorry “Voyager” Then again 7 of 9 was kind of cute. Sorry I going to have a cold shower lol
@Zorolord lol, thats a different kind a “suck” ;p
Ahhhhh, if only……
Well to be fair to everybody that says that military activity should not be part of star trek… i mean c’mon…
If you’re wearing a command-structure uniform and you’re on a ship, and that ship has weapons (and WMD for that matter), and is part of a larger collective fleet, that in turn is answerable to a domocratic style government, in between peacfull AND hostile species… you bet your ass you’re part of a military defense organization.
Even though its peace intentioned, the though that Starfleet as not being a military organization is just ludicrous. If it was pure exploratory, those ships would be 1/10th their sizes, simple weapons, and their parent agency would not be involved with interplanetary peace treaties, humantarian missions, military op missions, and would not be involved in defense missions as well. (all those would be a government/military job)… and since Starfleet does all that… well that means its military.
So why is Abrams saying that the events in the Prime Time-line still happened in this time-line? Such bull-shit Abrams I hope you apologize for this. Also who’s to say the Movie plots are still the same (excluding V).
Why doesn’t Thor just throw his hammer at the ship?
A true Starfleet captain needs no hair.
i hope we get to hear from the old universe again
Since I saw TOS in the ’70’s, I have seen all series, have bought all series, all movies, many books.If Star Trek didnt’t exist my life would be lesser… I tell you my truth: All star trek offered something, has a meaning, has a lesson, is … a dream worthy to dream. The New Star Trek? no problem, its great, its dreamy, its meaningful, its Star Trek. Old Star Trek? It’s a Saga, a Myth. Both can give us dreams to dream, and both can Sell. So, hey producers: Sell us both please…dont be stupid
@Bandofbrothersgirl 100% correct! An attempt at another movie set in the original timeline wouldn’t have been as good. I grew up watching TOS & also loved TNG but JJ’s movie was fresh & exciting. I, too, cannot wait for the next one.
alternate THE SHAT end: a giant bloated william shatner face from our presence comes out of the black hole and eats the enemy ship. END
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jimbopumbapigsticks says
@TheInspector3000 No, me neither. I’m just saying that’s probably what they were going for, and they did a better job of it than in Nemesis.
tfr4444 says
Star Trek XI made warp look like hyperspace from Star Wars or the slipstream drive that we see in Voyager. Warp is supposed to “warp” space-time by folding the space in front of you to make the distance shorter and stretching the space behind you. That is why in TNG and VOY, the ships get thinner and longer as they are going into warp.
spacehelmetforacow says
@JackHemming I dunno, it would be kinda cool to see the Enterprise-E meet up with the Alterprise from XI.
Maybe we could even see what sort of changes Nero’s meddling would have on the Enterprises that come later…
spectre0075 says
@jimbopumbapigsticks buy you’re forgetting one thing. DS9 sucked ;)
trekkerprise says
That’s a good video! :) Tell the truth i join that people who sad: “the JJ version of StarTrek it’s not follow the original line”. The film is good – other american super production :) – but i can’t like yet as StarTrek! I shall stay the “original” line of StarTrek! Live long and prosper and congratulation of your video!
dawfydd says
LOL pretty funny Yeah i really wish they didn’t just screw up the timeline just to replace the actors.
There are so many voyages that the first enterprise crew could’ve had after the thrid season of where they left off.
ImSoOffended says
the only difference now is that the crewmen who died will never have children, and the kelvin would not be on a mission while it was being repaired. Another vessel would take it’s place.
agents1986 says
@JackHemming Or you could think of them as tv shows (therefore not real anyway) that arent being made any more.
Novo117 says
So it should be and never otherwise, jeah Piccard FTW !
spacehelmetforacow says
@Bandofbrothersgirl Yeah, I just hope the next movie goes back to Star Trek’s optimistic, utopian roots.
action scenes are fun, but Star Trek was never *all* action…
fROmTh3fUTURe says
@Bandofbrothersgirl Finally someone who loves the new movie. It was the best movie of ’09 next to District 9 and I couldn’t agree more with you! Already going apeshit for Star Trek 2.
Bandofbrothersgirl says
@fROmTh3fUTURe lol I’m so glad someone agrees with me.. I was watching star trek stuff on here and everyone kept on ripping this movie and I really didn’t understand why.. I can’t wait till the 2nd one.. I didn’t get to see this one in theaters but I’m defiantly going to see the next on in theaters :)
Zorolord says
@Bandofbrothersgirl to both the new fans and fan boys I think everyone has to agree that the original is the best. The original constitiuation class starship has something about her a spirt. The new ships D & E & J are just shit.
Zorolord says
@spectre0075 what about Voyage of the damned sorry “Voyager” Then again 7 of 9 was kind of cute. Sorry I going to have a cold shower lol
spectre0075 says
@Zorolord lol, thats a different kind a “suck” ;p
TomatoeAssassin says
Ahhhhh, if only……
emenentia says
Well to be fair to everybody that says that military activity should not be part of star trek… i mean c’mon…
If you’re wearing a command-structure uniform and you’re on a ship, and that ship has weapons (and WMD for that matter), and is part of a larger collective fleet, that in turn is answerable to a domocratic style government, in between peacfull AND hostile species… you bet your ass you’re part of a military defense organization.
emenentia says
Even though its peace intentioned, the though that Starfleet as not being a military organization is just ludicrous. If it was pure exploratory, those ships would be 1/10th their sizes, simple weapons, and their parent agency would not be involved with interplanetary peace treaties, humantarian missions, military op missions, and would not be involved in defense missions as well. (all those would be a government/military job)… and since Starfleet does all that… well that means its military.
Kefka44 says
So why is Abrams saying that the events in the Prime Time-line still happened in this time-line? Such bull-shit Abrams I hope you apologize for this. Also who’s to say the Movie plots are still the same (excluding V).
Fett4 says
Why doesn’t Thor just throw his hammer at the ship?
fROmTh3fUTURe says
A true Starfleet captain needs no hair.
JediMasterHorton says
i hope we get to hear from the old universe again
damnyourpasswords says
Since I saw TOS in the ’70’s, I have seen all series, have bought all series, all movies, many books.If Star Trek didnt’t exist my life would be lesser…
I tell you my truth: All star trek offered something, has a meaning, has a lesson, is … a dream worthy to dream.
The New Star Trek? no problem, its great, its dreamy, its meaningful, its Star Trek. Old Star Trek? It’s a Saga, a Myth. Both can give us dreams to dream, and both can Sell. So, hey producers: Sell us both please…dont be stupid
paradisebound61 says
@Bandofbrothersgirl 100% correct! An attempt at another movie set in the original timeline wouldn’t have been as good. I grew up watching TOS & also loved TNG but JJ’s movie was fresh & exciting. I, too, cannot wait for the next one.
SamyouALjaxon says
alternate THE SHAT end: a giant bloated william shatner face from our presence comes out of the black hole and eats the enemy ship. END