An excerpt from the movie Star Trek (2009) originally directed by JJ Abrams, starring Chris Pine and Bruce Greenwood. Presented here by The Girls on Film Directed by Jeff Hammond, starring Ashleigh Harrington and Katerina Taxia. Created by Jeff Hammond, Ashleigh Harrington and Cat McCormick. Written by Roberto Orci & Alex Kurtzman For more information and killer movie recreations, check out:
hammondcheezefilms says
I love this!
It was an honor to be able to work with some amazing material and actors! I hope we did the scene justice JJ ;)
aurora197c says
Love this – Well done.
spil0003 says
Oooh! it looks so great guys!! Well done!
bdddrap says
SocialPaintball says
thejennascott says
awesome work – i was thinking of doing something like this last year! keep ’em coming!
treksf says
Weird watching this.