Go to www.startreknewvoyages.com to find out more about our production! Star Trek Phase 2 – Special Featurette for FedCon XX 2011 With 6 full episodes, one vignette and this special feature released, Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II is an award-winning independent webseries that produces new episodes of Classic Star Trek. Continuing the fourth and fifth seasons of Star Trek: The Original Series, we film the untold stories of the USS Enterprise, Captain Kirk, and his crew with the intention of filling in the missing years of the original five year mission, and bridging the gap to Star Trek: The Motion Picture. We are a group of fans who have come together with a common love for the classic era Star Trek for the purpose of having fun while making new episodes. It is the goal of Star Trek New Voyages: Phase II to support and promote the CBS/Paramount Star Trek franchise by giving fans an active way to continue their interest in Classic Star Trek.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – That makes Star Trek XI that most successful Trek of them all (and if Indy 4 is being considered a “flop” it’s only compared to the previous entries in the franchise.)
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck Wrong again.
ST:T MP= 4 times more than budgeted. ST:II 8 times more than … ST:III 5 times more… ST: IV 5 1/2 times more… ST: V 2.33 times more… ST: VI 3.56 times more… STG 3.16… ST FC… 3.26 ST INS 1.69… ST Nem. 1.12… ST: XI 2.76… This puts Star Trek XI above Star Trek V But under Generations. The movie that made the most profit is still Star Trek II. The movie that sold more tickets on opening night is still Star Trek IV. These facts are from your web site.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – No. Star Trek has taken in almost half a Billion Dollars world wide in Box Office and DVD receipts. No other Trek has. There is nothing more to argue (and hasn’t been for two years.)
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck Almost 1/2 a billion is not $382,318,911, almost 1/2 a billion is 480,000,000. “Less popular” movies have made a half a billion or more. Finally what constitutes as a hit is the amount of profit compared to the budget. If you spend a dollar on a movie & make 2 dollars gross you only made a dollar. My facts are dead on. There are no mistakes. ST: XI barley bet ST: V at the box office & its opening weekend it opened at number 2 where as ST IV opened at #1. This is from your reference.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – 380 Million + 100 Million (Plus) in DVD sales (not to mention BluRay Sales) = Half a Billion (I mentioned this in the same post.) Paramount, the media, fans, all know it’s a hit. I’m willing to take Paramount’s word seeing how happy they were with the film’s performance. I don’t know what “facts” you’re referring to. Star Trek XI opened up at #1 with $75 Million in its first week (boxofficemojo and any other box office website.) I think you’ve been referring to “Nemesis.”
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck Look again. Star Trek XI opened at #2 on the first weekend. It did not hit #1 till the end of the week. Re-wording what you said doesn’t change the facts. ST XI is among the worst profit making films of Star Trek. ST XI was made with a budget of $ $140Million it grossed $386Million. This means it made a profit of only 2.76 times its budget. (The #’s .com) The worst profitable Trek films are ST XI, ST V, ST IX, and ST X. (In that order). Figures don’t LIE, So Stop Lying with figures.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – You are thinking of Nemesis, which was the only Trek film to open # 2 at the box office. From the-numbers,
“5/8/2009 1 $79,204,289
5/15/2009 2 $43,034,547”
Have a good day.
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck No I’m not. Nemesis never hit #1. Do the math yourself; find out the percentage of profit each movie made. You will discover that I’m 100% right. Sorry but you lost, just deal with it.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – You’re going off into several different directions. Star Trek 11, the film that came out in 2009, opened to number to # 1. This was very well known fact and can be backed up by any box office data, including Box Office Mojo, The – Numbers, any news articles covering entertainment that week. The whole “profits” and this and that have had nothing to do with anything, you’re the only one talking about it.
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck I have not changed the subject at all. You refuse to read the very facts you referred me too. Zenutheduck, there is a reason I use to call you “Zenthedick”, it’s because you are so thick headed that anything that contradicts your “reality” you ignore completely. Sometimes you get so mad when someone disagrees with you and stoop to insults. I can’t understand why you can’t accept, that ST XI was a financial flop. Just admit you like a bad movie, it’s not a crime you know.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – The film opened at # 1. I just posted the stats.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – The original subject was misinformation stating that there was some sort of “sizable backlash” when there wasn’t. I have not stooped to any insults here. The film was a financial success as touted by everyone else, including Paramount (the only people who can say if it was a flop or not.) But, if you wish to go to Paramount’s Accounting Department to tell them they’re wrong then by all means…
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck “I have not stooped to any insults here.” Did I say “here”? No, I said in the past. Have you been to the Superman Returns Web site? It claims it to be a “BIG HIT”. Yet on all the news sites the WB states that it was a flop. Contradiction is normal in Hollywood. If all the supporting web sites told the whole truth people would not buy the DVD. Remember Paramount also claimed that Nemesis was a financial success, but it is the biggest financial flop of all the trek films. (#’s .com)
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – Never insulted you in the past. Paramount never, ever claimed that about “Nemesis” either.
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck I stand corrected thanks to Boxofficemojo com. However, it did not have much of a competition, X-men: Wolverine was #2 and it only made $6,859,026 that day. If they were released on the same weekend Wolverine ($34,433,831) would have stomped Star Trek XI ($26,893,975). Trek also cheated, it was released on Wednesday in limited cities. It took three days to make its Friday balance. (That is why I thought it hit #2 on its official release date.) % wise it’s still a flop.
Trekfreek says
@Zenutheduck You have a short memory; up to 2 years you have called me a “Troll”, “loser”, “faggot”, “Dumb shit”, “ass hole”… Need I go on? Dam, the official sites of the TNG movies are gone. There is no way to double check the reviews posted back in 2002. However, I know for a fact that they only printed the reviews from critics like Chicago Tribune’s Michael Wilmington , and Los Angeles’ Times’ Kenneth Turan. It’s the nature of the beast to sell the movie at all costs.
Trekfreek says
Last time… Star Trek xi Total Gross: 29.2% Nemesis Total Gross: 42.8% .(box office mojo .com) And Nemesis is considered the bigger flop.
Zenutheduck says
@Trekfreek – Outside of maybe “Troll,” I have NEVER called you any of those terms. I do NOT use words like “Faggot” and find that extremely offensive as a term and equally offensive to be accused of saying that too. I don’t even use words like “Dumb shit” or “Asshole” either. I’m sorry if you felt I did, but I can assure you 150% those are not part of my vocabulary. Secondly, using positive reviews for ads is not the same as proclaiming it was a financial success.
revbear777 says
Wow people need some medication ! Just relax and put this kind of energy into solving world hunger, toys for tots, or some other pressing matter. It was a promo trailer for a SCI-FI convention. Which by all the responses here has done it’s job very well. Congrats James and company for a job well done. So everyone chill.
clay56 says
Take THAT Orci!
CJCA915 says
I loved that!
moeskido says
telestrike1701 says
I still love this!
yizuman says
Suggonit, Abrams! Make another Star Trek movie like that again (especially when Amanda got killed, HOW DARE HE!!!) and I’ll come over to your house and kick your ass!!
VinnyMonster1 says
LOL! Logically speaking, of course.