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Reader Interactions
@MrDeano324 I agree, it would be amazing.
@Zorlac0666 three epic things in one
@MrDeano324 Big News! they are planning a new DS9 coming 2011!!!
@MrDeano324 DS9 GAME!!! sry….(completely fucked up that commentary^^)
@TOK150, haha no prob….If your right, you have just made my day friend :) role on 2011!!
Its a dungeon?
@polcsek10 It’s as close to a dungeon as the game has.
@doreto95 ive got a key for the beta something at–> polish site and you need to refresh to register at their forum. use google translate and just register and login.. and go in to that adress ive linked. Then you can find serials for brothers in arms: road to hill, parabellum and star trek etc.. and speedball for steam to. so try it if you want.. no bullshit ;).
@MrDeano324 While I agree a Mass Effect MMO would be amazing, I’d much rather have Bioware do it themselves as their Star Wars MMO is looking fantastic.
@doreto95 You can get a demo version for free from the official website. =)
@Zorlac0666 thats because its suppose to be real life-related in some ways, its impossible to find 300000000 ships infront of you in a meter
what are you borg??
what are you borg?? i really need to use my oun name and not my sisters but she always loged in
The ground combat reminds me very heavily of Mass Effect. Would be kick ass if Mass Effect added ship to ship combat in the 3rd game like they have in this game :)
@doreto95 you can try the demo
@MrDeano324 Why Bethesda? Bioware developed the game….just sayin…
@darkblazeman I know that, I just think Bethesda are better at RPG’s, what with the Elder Scrolls series and all…
question is it just me or is he using a reliant class vessel i hope ure able to aqquire better vessels then that
@HateEquallyPeople You get new ships as you rank up (not levels, ranks).
Do you level or get like skill points or both.
bought the limited edition or gold edition of it with a shirt, and i think 9 uniforms in-game.
@johanloser Both.
no good game!!
@nageboo It’s a very good game!
eh I’d rather wait for the new SWTOR online game to come out than get this (opinion).
@Dlaxr346 That’s cool. I’d rather play this than wait. Not to mention there’s no way the old republic will live up to the hype. (opinion, but likely fact).
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Zorlac0666 says
@MrDeano324 I agree, it would be amazing.
hantront says
@Zorlac0666 three epic things in one
TOK150 says
@MrDeano324 Big News! they are planning a new DS9 coming 2011!!!
TOK150 says
@MrDeano324 DS9 GAME!!! sry….(completely fucked up that commentary^^)
MrDeano324 says
@TOK150, haha no prob….If your right, you have just made my day friend :) role on 2011!!
polcsek10 says
Its a dungeon?
Zorlac0666 says
@polcsek10 It’s as close to a dungeon as the game has.
Aboo89 says
@doreto95 ive got a key for the beta something at–> polish site and you need to refresh to register at their forum.
use google translate and just register and login.. and go in to that adress ive linked.
Then you can find serials for brothers in arms: road to hill, parabellum and star trek etc.. and speedball for steam to. so try it if you want.. no bullshit ;).
tobar1p says
@MrDeano324 While I agree a Mass Effect MMO would be amazing, I’d much rather have Bioware do it themselves as their Star Wars MMO is looking fantastic.
BoomtaxRISEtrons says
@doreto95 You can get a demo version for free from the official website. =)
optimuswhat says
thats because its suppose to be real life-related in some ways, its impossible to find 300000000 ships infront of you in a meter
AmayaJayde says
what are you borg??
AmayaJayde says
what are you borg??
i really need to use my oun name and not my sisters but she always loged in
FoxMcCloud2364 says
The ground combat reminds me very heavily of Mass Effect. Would be kick ass if Mass Effect added ship to ship combat in the 3rd game like they have in this game :)
Beybladefan25 says
@doreto95 you can try the demo
darkblazeman says
@MrDeano324 Why Bethesda? Bioware developed the game….just sayin…
MrDeano324 says
I know that, I just think Bethesda are better at RPG’s, what with the Elder Scrolls series and all…
HateEquallyPeople says
question is it just me or is he using a reliant class vessel i hope ure able to aqquire better vessels then that
Zorlac0666 says
@HateEquallyPeople You get new ships as you rank up (not levels, ranks).
johanloser says
Do you level or get like skill points or both.
bought the limited edition or gold edition of it with a shirt, and i think 9 uniforms in-game.
Zorlac0666 says
@johanloser Both.
nageboo says
no good game!!
Zorlac0666 says
@nageboo It’s a very good game!
Dlaxr346 says
eh I’d rather wait for the new SWTOR online game to come out than get this (opinion).
Zorlac0666 says
@Dlaxr346 That’s cool. I’d rather play this than wait. Not to mention there’s no way the old republic will live up to the hype. (opinion, but likely fact).