Hitler learns of JJ Abrams new Star Trek movie…and has a final solution for TNG fans as well!
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istheshiz says
@lordsab I don’t understand why liking a movie you don’t agree with makes people who liked the movie have “shit” taste. The script was solid, the storyline was well done. They wanted to do a reboot without having to completely follow the original storyline. I mean we’ve ALL seen it already, why do we have to see another Star Trek that is an exact carbon copy of the older ones? I think the movie was great and being raised by trekkies, my parents enjoyed the movie as well.
istheshiz says
@redplague Humans can never move away from violence.
Avatarass says
@OtterVomit I say bullshit, I saw at least 2 episodes where they chased Kirk.
OtterVomit says
@Avatarass I don’t see how you are calling bullshit since I said women DID chase Kirk.
faquarl08 says
Kirk would never hit first in a bar fight. And he would try hard to talk the other guy away.
MissionObsessable23 says
@DarkKnightBob1o1 Uhhhh… Kirk was born when the Romunlans attacked. In this new movie, he was born without a father. But yes, everything before his birth was the same.
DarkKnightBob1o1 says
LOL damn you’re right. I can’t believe I missed that link.
You’re right without his father. Quite how he managed to jump past the academy rules and get to captain via standard CO starfleet is a bit ridiculous but it does play the whole ‘destiny’ card, in that kirk could have been a janitor and still ended up as captain.
New kirk is a different charachter. And spock a more emo bitch thanks to his mother dying and the odd billion vulcans.
DarkKnightBob1o1 says
Given the drama in this film I said it rocked pretty damn hard.
I mean given the alternate time-line theory it seems that a lot of alternate realities are still tied into destiny.
OtterVomit says
@DarkKnightBob1o1 A timeline conforming to “destiny” completely cheapens the human adventure. James T. Kirk being helped along by the universe to become captain of the Enterprise is not an element that belongs in Star Trek. Leave the quasi-metaphysical garbage to Star Wars. “Risk is our business” Well, there’s no real risk if unseen forces are stacking the deck in your favor.
DarkKnightBob1o1 says
That’s determinism for you though :)
and it doesn’t really eliminate EVERY risk. i.e. spock did die in wrath of khan.
And what you think star trek doesn’t have destiny? If you’re a red shirt on an away mission you’re FUCKED guaranteed!
Certain things stack the deck in everyone’s favour in real-life too. There isn’t unforseen forces involved.It’s just determinism.
Star wars just overplays it.
ChrisCa1601 says
@lordsab Then you are not a true Star Trek fan. And you are a stupid troll to boot.
MissionObsessable23 says
@DarkKnightBob1o1– Yeah I agree! It was ridiculous! For Spock, before his mother died he should have been the same person. If only Vulcan hadn’t been destroyed… :( I miss the Leonard Nimoy Spock.
DarkKnightBob1o1 says
ironically what we DO know is picard would kick off given any chance he could get.
eg. artificial heart
faquarl08 says
In his young age, yes.
PenultimateRun says
I agree with Hilter. We need to send Abrams to one of Hilter’s camps.
Mortuis0 says
@lordsab Aww comon man, what the hell is wrong with you “purist” people ? I am a big fan of the series, especially TNG. It is true that there is that special philosophy behind Roddenberry’s writing which seriously lacks in the latest movie. Nevertheless, don’t call this a ball-sucking movie. You obviously can’t enjoy anything else that what you formatted yourself to…Now, don’t say I have shit taste because you can’t understand them. I enjoyed the movie for what it is, nothing less,nothing more
dphoenixx says
most people who call themselves “fans” do not realize, that their opinion is not the only one, and that others opinion might differ from theirs. these kind of people are not real fans…
I do agree that Kirk’s character is a bit weird at the beginning, however, it does give that part a great role too: How a reckless, easygoing young man becomes a respectful, tough captain, who does care about others, and truly does not believe in “no-win scenarios”… hope you get what I mean…
ancalites says
I’m constantly amazed at how many new variations of this scene continue to be made.
CharleyTee1 says
@lordsab erm sorry to break it to you but everyone is open to their own opinion and just because you did not like movie it doesn’t make it shit, just not for you.You made a lot of assumptions here… i loved the movie as many did even previous avid star trek fans, and i personally don’t really get that bothered about special effects its the story that grabs me and
CharleyTee1 says
@lordsab i loved this story but this doesn’t make the film completely amazing it is just the sort of film for me. If you seriously think just you disliking this film makes it utterly shit to everything and everyone you need to come down of your high horse. And i just wondered what is it you didn’t like about the story?
CapyGuy says
@dphoenixx except that the transition from “Reckless young man” to “Tough captain” seems to come from Spock Prime (Nimoy) telling NuKirk that he’s really special. NuKirk than grabs command (despite being the single least qualified person on the ship) because it’s his “destiny”. (This “destiny” is more because of his upbringing in a different universe) We have no idea if New Kirk will be any sort of good commander when something more thought-provoking than “Scotty, Get Us Out of Here!” is needed.
78kokka says
You are a genius. Pure genius.
“Your favorite show was Voyager!! Nobody cares what you think!”
Well, I think I’ll laugh ’till tomorrow.
WillShakespeare2007 says
I totally agree with Hitler? Now that is something I did not expect to say this lunchtime.
toasega says
@lordsab hold on a minute, sir. no, i’m not a hardcore star trek fan, but how can you say anyone who enjoyed it has shitty taste in movies or even if you liked the special effects? no, i don’t like the alternate universe crap. they should have just left it alone. but no matter how bad this seemed, you have to admit the whole jettison the warp pods into the black hole and use the shockwave to escape was DEFINITELY a star trek manuever. also, i fucking hated avatar. goddamn eye candy.