Halloween has roots in the Celtic festival of Samhain and the ancient Celts believed that on the 31st of October (end of summer) the border between this world and the other world becomes thin so they disguised with costumes and masks to invite home family’s ancestors while harmful spirits were warded off. Nowadays, Halloween is a largely secular celebration where adults unleash their inner child to indulge in a little make-believe by wearing fancy dresses and here, in the pure spirit of fun and sheer entertainment, 14 YouTubers parade their Halloween 2010 costumes, some are scary, others just funky but in my opinion all 14 are cool :D Happy Halloween 2010! Participants YouTubers by order of appearance are: youtube.com (Captain Kirk from Star Trek) youtube.com (Halloween Make up Compilation) youtube.com (Sexy Zombie) youtube.com (Lady GaGa) youtube.com (Younger Lady GaGa) youtube.com (The Devil) youtube.com (The Cute Witch) youtube.com (Cardboard Haunted House) youtube.com (Native American Indian) youtube.com (The Ghost) youtube.com (Cute Fairy) youtube.com (Halloween Make up) youtube.com (Freddy Krueger) youtube.com (Halloween Make up) youtube.com (Jason from Friday 13th) Halloween is the whole month of October for most of these cool YouTubers except for Ana Arthur that is the whole year HaHa Did you find a favourite costume? Are you wearing a costume this Halloween and if yes then which one? Credits: Background Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) and Jason Shaw …
Others Halloween start trek fancy dress costumes sites online.
- Podcast with Kevin MacLeod of Incompetech.com
carlosreyes11 says
@TheIhatecreatinguser : Cool, then join the Halloween fun ;)
carlosreyes11 says
@KissThePoems : Hell – Thanks for dropping by :)
carlosreyes11 says
@PurpleHazeGoofyGrape : Thanks, that happens when you get the right participants ;)
TheIhatecreatinguser says
@carlosreyes11 Just uploaded a vid, I am in the Halloween mode now! :D
DeziredBeauty says
Thanks for inviting me in on this collabo!! The video turned out great ; D
carlosreyes11 says
@DeziredBeauty : You are very welcome! Participants made it great, loved your sexy Halloween make up :D Always a fan of the violet/blue colour! well I think anything looks good on you ;)
Gevedon says
I came back to watch it again!
They scared me!! :O
carlosreyes11 says
@Gevedon : HaHa
CurrentlyDisconected says
great work on all the costumes nice work
top stuff :)
carlosreyes11 says
@CurrentlyDisconected : Thanks for the feedback! It encourages me to do it again next year :)
wildcatphotography says
@carlosreyes11 oh that would be great :-)
yedra45 says
Muy original ese disfraz de casita del terror, Buen video
carlosreyes11 says
@yedra45 : La casita de terror fue muy creativo :)
solpkgirl says
I loved the video and people’s creativity xD
carlosreyes11 says
@solpkgirl :You did great in it! Thanks for participating xD
JonathanHasTalent says
very cool
carlosreyes11 says
@JonathanHasTalent : Cheers :)
xXTiramisuuuXx says
Very nice! But I liked Anaarthur81 looks the most! :D
KellyMaquis says
That’s nice compliments to everyone! And some works are awesome!
carlosreyes11 says
@xXTiramisuuuXx : well she is Ms Halloween indeed ;D
carlosreyes11 says
@KellyMaquis : Thanks a lot for dropping by and the feedback so I definetely feel like doing it again next year :D
MsVersZsatile says
How creative! Crazy what people come up with. This deserves a definite thumbs up!
carlosreyes11 says
@MsVersZsatile : Thanks for the visit and nice feedback! Very much appreciated :D
gamusina75 says
That was a nice compilation …thumbs up for you and all those amazing youtubers
carlosreyes11 says
@gamusina75 : Thanks for the visit and your very nice feedback :D